
Sydney Metro College provides pathway programs through different Colleges and Universities. Our packaged program with Southern Cross University (CRICOS code: 01241G), Macleay College (CRICOS code: 00899G), Wentworth Institute (CRICOS code: 03279M ), King’s Own Institute ( CRICOS code: 03171A), and Griffith University ( CRICOS Code: 00233E)offers you a guaranteed* entry to your desired bachelor’s and master’s degree.

Southern Cross University

Southern Cross University is providing a range of vocational pathways into Southern Cross University degrees from some Nationally accredited courses and qualifications within discipline related Australian Training Packages. SMC has AQF Vocational Qualification Credit Linkage arrangements with the university.

Successful completion of the Cert IV or Diploma Qualification in Sydney Metro College enables you to get upto 8 units credit for chosen relevant bachelor’s qualification at Southern University. This strategy helps you reduce the duration of study at a university and therefore the overall cost of your degree.

Pathway with Southern Cross University

Macleay College

Founded in 1988 with over 9,000 Alumni and over 440 enrolled students, Macleay is one of the reputed academic institution. It was established in the suburb of Surry Hills, Sydney, with a focus on journalism. It has also opened Melbourne campus in 2015.
Macleay is offering courses especially in Marketing and Accounting, Digital Media and Advertising field.

Successful completion of the Cert IV or Diploma Qualification in Sydney Metro College enables you to get up to 8 units credit for chosen relevant bachelor’s qualification at Macleay College. This strategy helps you reduce the duration of study of higher education qualification and therefore the overall cost of your degree.

Wentworth Institute

Wentworth Institute is providing a range of vocational pathways into WIN degrees from some Nationally accredited courses and qualifications within discipline related Australian Training Packages. SMC has AQF Vocational Qualification Credit Linkage arrangements with the institute.

Successful completion of the Diploma or Advanced Diploma Qualification in Sydney Metro College enables you to get upto 8 units credit for chosen relevant bachelor’s qualification at Wentworth. This strategy helps you reduce the duration of study at institute and therefore the overall cost of your degree.

Pathway with Wentworth Institute

*BIM = Bachelor of Interactive Media
*BBus=Bachelor of Business
*BBus (PA) = Bachelor of Business (Professional Accounting

King's Own Institute

King’s Own Institute is providing a range of vocational pathways into KOI degrees. SMC has AQF Vocational Qualification Credit Linkage arrangements with the institute.

Successful completion of the Diploma or Advanced Diploma Qualification in Sydney Metro College enables you to get upto 8 units advance standing/credit transfer/Recognition Prior Learning (RPL) for chosen relevant qualification at KOI.

Pathway with King’s Own Institute

Griffith University

Griffith University is providing a range of vocational pathways into Griffith University degrees. SMC has AQF Vocational Qualification Credit Linkage arrangements with the University.

Successful completion of the Diploma of Project Management or Diploma of Accounting Qualification in Sydney Metro College enables you to get upto 60CP credit transfer for chosen Bachelor of Business qualification at Griffith.

Pathway with Griffith University

Australian Institute of Business Intelligence

At AIBI Higher Education, we believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality education.

Because of this, we provide a range of courses taught by qualified industry experts across each of our four campuses.

Invest in your future with AIBI HE, we believe that everyone deserves access to high-quality education.

Pathway with Australian Institute of Business Intelligence