Student Handbook
The Student’s handbook is designed to orient you to Sydney Metro College as you begin you begin your academic journey. It contains information on the academic, social, and personal development opportunities available to you and the many resources to help you find advice and make good choices.
The Handbook will be your guide to academic requirements, SMC’s student policies and other activities that would take place outside the classroom. Importantly, the Student Handbook clarifies the values and standards that you are expected to abide by in your conduct as a student in Sydney Metro College.
As you go through this Handbook, you will confront a number of possibilities it suggests. The duration of your academic journey will provide the best possible opportunity for you to stretch, take a chance, in your curricular and extra-curricular life. Take time to reflect on who you are and who you want to become. Try to make most of SMC’s intellectual opportunities that will introduce you to fields and ideas outside of your concentration and help you develop new ways of thinking and understanding. Participate in activities you have never tried and reach out to and connect with people who are different from you.
To download your student handbook